Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain chooses his running mate

McCain may have thrown himself a life preserver by choosing conservative Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential pick. A virtual unknown, but appears to be a solid choice(one hopes). She certainly has the executive experience(albeit limited) that Obama is lacking. Hopefully she's been thoroughly vetted.
McCain is definitely taking a risk, Mitt Romney would've been a safer choice.
It's doubtful that the likes of a Putin or Ahmadinejad will be intimidated by a Vice President Palin which is troubling.

--She obviously has tremendous character considering she knew that her baby would be born with Down Syndrome, yet chose to keep the baby. Speaks volumes about her personal strength during this era while the political left is obsessed with abortion on demand.

Sorry Mrs. Clinton--unfortunately Obama's ego was to big to choose you. Not that it matters now.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama's night

What a historical night, not only for Obama and the DNC, but for the country and even the world. Obama gave a compelling acceptance speech, full of all of the cliches, poetics, tenacity and demagoguery he's known to deliver in a speech. Quite the spectacle.
It was touching to watch Obama celebrate with his beautiful family at the conclusion. America needed to witness those powerful images of a strong, loving African-American family.
But another great speech doesn't change any of the reasons why Obama is unfit to become Commander in Chief.
The trend towards big government socialism must stop!

Obama may win the election. The people adore him, they're hypnotized, he's treated like the second coming, even by the (mainstream) media!
And many Independents who don't intend to vote for Obama, are 'put off' by John McCain's age and/or fear he's Bush-lite and may not vote at all.

We'll see.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hypocrisy is his second middle name

"That which you do to the least of my brethren you do to me." [Matthew chapter 25 31-46]

Obama's younger half-brother George, lives in a shack in Kenya on less than $12 a year. Last year Obama grossed $4 million. He last saw George in 2006 during a visit to Africa. Granted, Obama has no legal obligation to support a brother he barely know, but what about moral obligation? One would think Barry's fav bible scripture would inspire him to help a brotha' out.
At current Obama gives only 2% of his earnings to charity. This week during the Democratic convention the empty suits and skirts will promise the moon and stars to the people--- free healthcare, better jobs, more gov't programs, etc, etc...Wealth redistribution on a massive scale.

Why does Obama's paternal grandmother live in a house in Kenya without electricity or running water? Why has Obama not funded the Kenyan school named in his honor which he promised to support?
Yet we're supposed to believe Obama when he say's that he's the "change" America needs?
He should send some of his spare change to his foreign family members. How can Obama lecture us on the virtues of 'giving back' when he won't even give funds to improve the lives of his own extended family? Or maybe he's waiting until he's inaugurated so he can send tax payer monies. Afterall, a good dictator of the proletariat would never dream of using his own money to take care of his family---that's the government's responsibility!

The world doesn't need another Europe, one is enough, thanks.
To put into plain English--Obama is full of it. Aside from being a "community organizer"(which is code for leftist activist) what exactly has Obama accomplished that would qualify him to be President of the United States? A few years as the Senator from Illinois, fond of voting "Present." And we're told that we're racists if we don't accept his rhetoric. No, we just see him for what he truly is--dangerous and politically inexperienced, yet incredibly sly. The radical Elites funding him cannot be allowed access to the most powerful position in the world.

And why would he ally with William Ayers? Ayers, who is a known far-left radical and unrepentant terrorist. One can just imagine their machinations...

link to article by Michael Barone.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Obama, Shaman

Michael Knox Beran of City Journal provides a wickedly accurate assessment of Obama's rise to 'stardom' won by playing the role as "healer-redeemer."
It's no wonder why Hollywood celebrities, in particular, are so 'taken' by Obama. Entertainers always appreciate a good act, talent being so hard to come by these days.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama's Theme Song

What's up with Obama's campaign theme song--The City of Blinding Lights," by U2?
some of the lyrics include..."the more you see the less you know..."
WTF? Read the entire lyric sheet and if you have any sense at all you'll be left dumbfounded.
Obama is such a Marxist. It's not surprising that Hollywood and its entities are backing him.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Barack Obama's Vice President?

Does it matter who Obama picks as VP? He's a socialist with sketchy connections-- William Ayers, Tony Rezco, Pastor Wright, to name a few...