Monday, September 1, 2008

Powell for President

Conventional reality being what it is, it's impossible not to think of former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell, a genuine statesman and a free market Capitalist, he would've been the perfect counter to the Obama/Biden ticket. Powell, respected on both sides of the aisle, even after participating in the unfortunate WMD debacle leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
Powell has the experience and national stature to be President or Vice President.
Why is it that when Republicans disgrace themselves publicly they have the class to exit the stage even if only for a little while? While people such as Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson, etc... refuse to step aside? Had Hillary Clinton shown some backbone and divorced Bill years ago, she would be the Democratic nominee right now.

So, McCain's chosen Palin, a mother of five who's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. It seems irresponsible of Palin to accept the VP offer. Why would a mother even want to put her children in the political fishbowl? It's looking like she's out of her league. McCain chose Palin to sure up his conservative base and now with news of the pregnant daughter...
Despite the democratic candidate's inflated platitudes and insistence on a new kind of politics, its still a brutal game and negative ads are to be expected.

--Many thanks to Hurricane Gustav for keeping Bush and Cheney away from the Republican Convention. Those are two faces that don't need to be seen supporting McCain.


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