Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random rant

Late with this, but Deepak Chopra(who was somewhat relevant 10-15 years ago) came out with a new age hit piece against Palin a couple weeks ago(link to *vomit* Huffington Post).
His analysis of the psyche is clear and correct, but his assessment of Palin is pure assumption. He makes judgments based on his own 'bogey man' issues. His opinion is based on feelings rather than facts. Typical fodder for a liberal--only they hold the key to enlightenment and if you only jump on the majic carpet and ride off into the sunset of idealism with them the world will be a better place.

Liberals have projected this god-like status onto Obama. Obama has certainly bought into the hype which was evidenced by his coronation at the erected Fauxcropolis during the democratic convention. Sadly, Obama's skin color and his 'articulate' and 'clean' image are the ONLY basis of his popularity among the left. Obama's "higher ideals," what a joke.
Granted, he's adept at reading a teleprompter and playing up to a crowd, but we've all seen what happens when he speaks off the cuff.
It reveals how foolish liberals are to buy into the guise. Or it's possible they don't give a damn--The majority of them are so caught up in liberal guilt, it's pathetic. They overlook his radical leanings, suspect past and slight experience because--he's personable. By voting for him perhaps it will somehow negate the countless times they've hurried to lock the car door when a black guy approached to simply cross the street. To the white liberal, Obama represents every black guy they never wanted to know, but was ashamed to admit. Obama is their redemption.

Chopra says Palin would reverse 40 years of feminist progress. (?) How so? Roe vs. Wade is settled law. The Republicans controlled the House and Senate years before the Dems gained control. Had the Republicans any interest in overturning Roe and making it a state issue, it would've happened. Palin is entitled to her pro-life stance. The executive branch doesn't legislate law. A Vice President Palin would be the epitome of feminine Progress--a strong, confident professional woman with her own convictions and beliefs.
Unlike the so-called progressives who believe anyone that doesn't mindlessly digest their regurgitated leftist mantras without question is ignorant and fear mongering.

Liberals are collectivists and (TRUE)Conservatives are individualists. Liberals need a government(daddy) to monitor and validate them from cradle to grave. Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, a concept the left doesn't understand.
Neither McCain nor Obama will live up to their promises, but McCain supporters are mature and realistic enough to realize it. In the long run, McCain will do less damage to the sovereignty of the nation and atleast we know where his loyalties lay.


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