Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Powell's Voting For Obama

Colin Powell's support of Obama has more to do with Powell wanting to send a clear message to Bush 43 and the liberal media than it has to do with Obama's "transformational" abilities and broad experience. By supporting Obama, Powell is giving the liberal establishment his repentance for backing Bush during the lead up to the Iraq war.

Powell has always been regarded as a moderate conservative, so it's illogical that Powell would vote for an outright socialist(Obama) unless Powell were attempting to sever his association with failed Bush policies. (So he'll be adored once again by the liberal establishment.)

How could Powell say that the Republicans are moving further right, when in fact they've been on a crash course left? Uncontrolled spending, Bush has given record amounts of money to Africa, the recent bailouts, it goes on and on. McCain panders to almost every liberal pressure group. If you're a Republican, the more you give the less you are respected.

Obama talks about America needing to "spread the wealth around" (!) The top 40% Earners pay 80% of all income tax---the wealth is pretty much spread thin.
40% of American poor(also known as Obama's base) pay no federal income tax.
This is probably the only country where the working poor have nice cars, cell phones, hair and nails done every week, computers and tech games, etc, etc, yet are clueless about why they can't afford health insurance?

Who was it that said "you can fool some people some of the time..."

Obama's pushing the classic class envy scheme which is working especially well since the downturn in the economy.

What's that other saying, "teach a man to fish..."

Obama doesn't care about the poor. He's feeding off the troubles of the poor in an attempt to get elected. "How many plumbers do you know making $250,000 a year," Obama retorted. What a condescending and disrespectful tone. This is how Obama regards the working class?
Obama needs the poor(to stay poor) More than they need him.


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