The problem is greed
How can Speaker Pelosi blame the Republicans when she couldn't even persuade members of her own party to follow through? It's entirely probable that the markets will continue to plunge whether the House passes the $700billion bailout or not. Considering all of the mistakes of the Bush administration, how can Paulson or his successor be trusted?
The problem is not capitalism, the problem is greed.McCain Attacks Obama on Ties to Former Fannie Mae CEO's
Random rant
Late with this, but Deepak Chopra(who was somewhat relevant 10-15 years ago) came out with a new age hit piece against Palin a couple weeks ago(link to *vomit* Huffington Post).His analysis of the psyche is clear and correct, but his assessment of Palin is pure assumption. He makes judgments based on his own 'bogey man' issues. His opinion is based on feelings rather than facts. Typical fodder for a liberal--only they hold the key to enlightenment and if you only jump on the majic carpet and ride off into the sunset of idealism with them the world will be a better place.Liberals have projected this god-like status onto Obama. Obama has certainly bought into the hype which was evidenced by his coronation at the erected Fauxcropolis during the democratic convention. Sadly, Obama's skin color and his 'articulate' and 'clean' image are the ONLY basis of his popularity among the left. Obama's "higher ideals," what a joke.
Granted, he's adept at reading a teleprompter and playing up to a crowd, but we've all seen what happens when he speaks off the cuff.
It reveals how foolish liberals are to buy into the guise. Or it's possible they don't give a damn--The majority of them are so caught up in liberal guilt, it's pathetic. They overlook his radical leanings, suspect past and slight experience because--he's personable. By voting for him perhaps it will somehow negate the countless times they've hurried to lock the car door when a black guy approached to simply cross the street. To the white liberal, Obama represents every black guy they never wanted to know, but was ashamed to admit. Obama is their redemption.
Chopra says Palin would reverse 40 years of feminist progress. (?) How so? Roe vs. Wade is settled law. The Republicans controlled the House and Senate years before the Dems gained control. Had the Republicans any interest in overturning Roe and making it a state issue, it would've happened. Palin is entitled to her pro-life stance. The executive branch doesn't legislate law. A Vice President Palin would be the epitome of feminine Progress--a strong, confident professional woman with her own convictions and beliefs.Unlike the so-called progressives who believe anyone that doesn't mindlessly digest their regurgitated leftist mantras without question is ignorant and fear mongering. Liberals are collectivists and (TRUE)Conservatives are individualists. Liberals need a government(daddy) to monitor and validate them from cradle to grave. Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, a concept the left doesn't understand.Neither McCain nor Obama will live up to their promises, but McCain supporters are mature and realistic enough to realize it. In the long run, McCain will do less damage to the sovereignty of the nation and atleast we know where his loyalties lay.
The American Tax Payers Are Being Fleeced
'United Socialist State Republic of America'
Thanks to recent government nationalization and bailouts of financial institutions Fannie May, Freddie Mac and AIG,Nouriel Roubini says "welcome to the USSRA."Slippery slope. Yet another reason why Obama should not be elected. His liberal ideology would send us straight over the edge.
IBD--The Audacity of Socialism series
Jesus was a 'community organizer' (?)
Here they go again, the left-wing media comparing Obama to Jesus. Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?Where are the ringing endorsements from the community that Obama supposedly organized in Chicago?
Unlike Obama, Jesus didn't just talk about 'hope' and 'change' Jesus delivered it. Jesus never inflated His resume and Jesus never voted to deny medical treatment to babies that survived botched abortions.
Country First.
Country First. It's not just a slogan. Even with all of his flaws, national defense is the one issue where McCain towers over Obama. There is no question of McCains allegiance to the United States and his capability to protect the country. The same cannot be said of Obama based on his radical associations with known terrorists and other 'organizations' that have stated their hatred of the United States.
Can Diddy get a ride?
youtube--Sean P. Diddy Combs dumb as ever, dissin' McCain/Palin. "Do Black people live in Alaska," he wants to know? Priceless. This is the same dude that was bumming for free gas last week so that he could fill his private plane's $250,000 tank. Diddy, do Black people live in Saudi Arabia?And what happened to going "green?" Aren't celebs supposed to be on the global warming(oops--'climate change') bandwagon with Al Gore? The goal is to reduce CO2 emissions, remember? Diddy, next time you need a lift, bum a ride with Mr. Earth.MSNBC--What was up with Andrea Mitchell-- caught stammering and stuttering while interviewing Rudy Guilianni after Palin's acceptance speech.Why were the liberal pundits whining that Palin's speech was too tough/harsh on Obama?Politics is harsh. Why are the pundits continually babying Obama? Don't they get it or are they so invested in Obama that they can no longer maintain objectivity? (Yep.)
Oh, the irony
Of course, Obama and Biden can take the high road and declare "children are off limits" when they have their surrogates in the media doing their dirty work. These are the same media leftists masquerading as journalists who have nary a problem with Obama's inexperience and shady background, but are going after Palin and her pregnant 17 year old daughter. Puh-lease.The drive bys will do and say almost anything to get their man into the White House.Over at the extremes of media bias.
Even the sleazy gossip rags are at it.
The Real Obama
To understand Obama's political motivations, one need only understand the motivations of his communist mentor,Frank Marshall Davis.
Powell for President
Conventional reality being what it is, it's impossible not to think of former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell, a genuine statesman and a free market Capitalist, he would've been the perfect counter to the Obama/Biden ticket. Powell, respected on both sides of the aisle, even after participating in the unfortunate WMD debacle leading up to the invasion of Iraq.Powell has the experience and national stature to be President or Vice President.Why is it that when Republicans disgrace themselves publicly they have the class to exit the stage even if only for a little while? While people such as Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Barney Frank, Jesse Jackson, etc... refuse to step aside? Had Hillary Clinton shown some backbone and divorced Bill years ago, she would be the Democratic nominee right now.So, McCain's chosen Palin, a mother of five who's 17 year old daughter is pregnant. It seems irresponsible of Palin to accept the VP offer. Why would a mother even want to put her children in the political fishbowl? It's looking like she's out of her league. McCain chose Palin to sure up his conservative base and now with news of the pregnant daughter...Despite the democratic candidate's inflated platitudes and insistence on a new kind of politics, its still a brutal game and negative ads are to be expected.--Many thanks to Hurricane Gustav for keeping Bush and Cheney away from the Republican Convention. Those are two faces that don't need to be seen supporting McCain.